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Challenges of Covid-19

During these days we have experienced true challenges, that in consequence are transversal to all departments of TPB – Tecnologia em Pavimentos.


We hope the worst is over, but it is not time to lower your arms, to ensure that a new wave of Covid-19 does not occur.


Since the beginning of the outbreak, the TPB – Tecnologia em Pavimentos, in line with the Grupo TPB strategy, has implemented a series of measures, among which the sharing of regular communication with all employees (recommendations on relevant and preventive care), has proceeded to distribute  sanitization products to employees and in offices and production departments, and delivered personal protective equipment to employees. The posting of relevant information on care to be taken in all establishments was also reinforced. 


TPB – Tecnologia em Pavimentos guaranteed the minimum services in the offices and remote work to all employees who, due to their needs, demanded it and when the nature of their functions allowed it.

It activated a contingency plan based on all the measures recommended by the portuguese Directorate-General for Health, with the objective of protecting as much as possible the safety and health of employees, customers and partners, and minimizing the impact on production. 


TPB – Tecnologia em Pavimentos has adapted and proactively ensures the well-being of its employees, thus ensuring the performance of activities and the most effective response to its customers and partners. 


The situation will continue to be closely monitored and evaluated by the TPB – Tecnologia em Pavimentos, beyond it is following the recommendations of national authorities and the World Health Organization, appealing to civic responsibility of all so that, together, we can overcome this situation.


"Security starts with us, let us be prudent!"